What if the chlorine tests too high or I...
A: Use chlorine neutralizer per container directions. B: Drain 1/2 water storage tank and fill with fresh water to dilute.
Continue ReadingA: Use chlorine neutralizer per container directions. B: Drain 1/2 water storage tank and fill with fresh water to dilute.
Continue ReadingImmediately press the e-stop button and manually open treadmill waste valve to gravity drain contaminated treadmill water. Then follow the owner's manual instructions.
Continue ReadingUse an ammonia-free hard surface disinfectant to wipe down doors and windows each day, or after each use.
Continue ReadingPatient and trainer (if entering water) should shower off oils, lotions, shampoos, and any other contaminants.
Continue ReadingTwice per day. Beginning and end of each day is suggested.
Continue ReadingAccording to Aquatics International, aquatic therapy makes a splash over the past 25 years and seeing explosive growth. Full Article
Continue ReadingLearn about aquatic therapy, its benefits and common questions about pool therapy. Full Article
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