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Canine Physical Therapy Credentialing Program

Advancing the health of dogs through education on effective therapy options

Expertise and Training

CanineIQ has integrated a comprehensive aquatic therapy course into their curriculum using Hudson Aquatic Systems’ equipment, you can be assured that the therapists and practitioners trained by CanineIQ are proficient in utilizing the equipment effectively. This means that upon purchasing a Hudson canine unit, you’ll have access to anetwork of trained professionals who can provide expert guidance and support for your aquatic therapy needs.

Assured Quality

CanineIQ’s endorsement of Hudson Aquatic Systems as their exclusive aquatic therapy solutions provider signifies a seal of approval for the quality and effectiveness of Hudson’s products. By choosing a Hudson canine unit, you’re investing in equipment that is trusted and endorsed by a reputable partner in the industry.

Community and Networking Opportunities

Being part of the ecosystem supported by CanineIQ and Hudson Aquatic Systems can provide you with networking opportunities within the aquatic therapy community. You’ll have the chance to connect with other professionals and enthusiasts who share your passion for canine rehabilitation and fitness, exchanging ideas and experiences to enhance your practice.

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